Sunday, February 24, 2013


GB Avgvi gv, GB Avgvi †evb, 1971 mv‡j wbôzi wbg©gZvq I‡`i cÖvY ‡K‡i wb‡q‡Q evsjvi gvwU‡Z| AvR GZ eQi c‡iI AvR ‡mB gvwU‡Z exi`‡c© knx` wgbvi †f‡½ w`‡q‡Q, cywo‡q‡Q evsjvi cZvKv ! Zvic‡iI wK †Zvgiv wbie fzwgKv cvjb Ki‡e ?

nvq ! Avgvi gyw³hy×,
nvq! Avgvi ¯^vaxbZv,
nvq ! Avgvi ¯^vaxb evsjv‡`k|

Braking news

ব্রেকিং নিউজ :

এইমাত্র পাওয়া খবরে জানা গেছে বাংলা একাডেমির একুশে বইমেলায় আগুন লেগেছে।

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sahabag chattar is our War for life.

Bangldesh is our Motherland

Attention Please

Urgent Notish

Mass protests are dominating the headlines in Bangladesh.

Mass protests are dominating the headlines in Bangladesh. It started with the sentencing of a war criminal to life in prison – many say Abdul Qader Mollah should get the death penalty. But there seems to be more to these rallies than a search for justice. Women are showing up in droves and the rallies are being organised by the youth via social media like never before. Is this Bangladesh's Tahrir Square ?